静岡で生まれ、●校時代はアイドルオーディションの1次審査を通過した、地元ではちょっとした有名人の大学4年生が、新たなSOD starとしてAVデビュー!勇気が出なくて辞退した芸能への道。けどずっと心残りがあった。「AVなら自分らしく頑張れそう」人見知りで緊張しいな女の子が再びスタートラインに立った。
JAV debut START-277 Born in Shizuoka, and passed the first round of idol auditions during her school days, a 4th year university student who is a little famous in her hometown makes her AV debut as a new SOD Star! I didn’t have the courage to go to entertainment, so I declined. But I’ve always felt regret. “In AV, I think I can work hard as myself,” the shy and nervous girl has once again reached the starting line. – Jav.wine START277
JAV PornStar Ichinomiya Rui / 一宮るい